Originally, lyric poetry was poetry sung to the accompaniment of a lyre, and possibly performed with the help of mimes and dancers. Soon, however, lyric came to mean short, personal and immediate poems which could use a variety of meters. Sappho wrote with what translator Mary Barnard
Only two complete poems of Sappho's still exist--and one of the two was found only a couple of years ago. A few others seem very close to complete. Others poems are merely fragments. A few are bits of Sappho's work quoted in later authors' texts. Many poems were found on degraded papyrus--many of which had been torn into strips to make wrappings for mummies, or were faded and then turned into usable paper. Some of these were preserved only because they were in very dry ancient trash heaps in the deserts of Egypt.
A century ago, archaeologists began to collect these postage-stamp size bits of ancient papyrus and sent them to England. As Jeanette Winterson writes

Some of Sappho's poems present an impressionistic view of nature. I love these lines (translated by Mary Barnard
3. Standing by my bed
In gold sandals
Dawn that very
moment awoke me.
and these about the evening light:
24. Awed by her splendor
Stars near the lovely
moon cover their own
bright faces
when she
is roundest and lights
earth with her silver
* * *
Several extant fragments show Sappho confronting with the issues of mortality--the issue with which both Gilgamesh and Achilles struggle. Just as the two men come to understand, Sappho knows that while her body will die, her memory will live on. That is, the body is mortal but nevertheless the self can become immortal.
60. You may forget but
Let me tell you
this: someone in
some future time
will think of us
and, more obviously:
100. I have no complaint
Prosperity that
the Golden Muses
gave me was no
delusion: dead, I
won't be forgotten
Gilgamesh hoped to be remembered as the great king of a great city. Achilles knew he would be remembered as a magnificent warrior-hero. But Sappho knows that she will be remembered because of her poetry. As she writes in fragment 9, "Words which I command are immortal."
* * *
In the next post, I'll discuss Sappho the Lesbian.
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