Wednesday, July 21, 2010
7 First Dates : Part 4: The college goer

Aman somehow knew this (THE THIRD FIRST DATE) was going to be tough. It was hard to find a college student in a bar alone. And visiting college to do so wasn't feasible.
It struck him. It was just two weeks ago that he happened to meet someone accidently in Delhi Metro (Ek chhoti si X story). Why can't that happen again to him, although this time it would be planned from his side? "Yes Terrific. Thanks...whatever your name was (Akshita, he couldn't recall it at that time)
But plans are never supposed to be executed as they are planned for. At least not in Aman's case. Travel from Noida to CP had been too plain. He was wondering where did all college goers happen to vanish.
Before returning he decided to sip a cup of coffee at CCD, Rajeev Chowk Metro station.
"Aman! Is that you", an unfamiliar voice called for him from back.
"Aakash! Where have you been these entire years buddy?"
Aman and Aakash were bench buddies from school days at DPS Noida. After 15 minutes of catching up they began the conversation which could be of some use to Aman.
"So where are you headed?” asked Aman.
"Ummm! I can tell you I guess. I have enrolled in Salsa classes at Radisson Noida"
Had he had that sip of coffee he was about to, he could have easily sprayed it all over the coffee shop.
"What???", Aman said tried hard to stop his giggle.
"Yeah! I know what you are giggling about. But this place is awesome. Of the 40 people in batch only 12 are guys and girls range from early teens to tweens"
"You mean to say, there are college girls too?"
"Of course! Most colleges are on one-month holidays for now. But why are you so particular about college girls. Aren't you too old to romance one?"
"Leave that part", he winked "Let's make a move. I am registering for these classes too. What is the name of the Instructor and his troupe?"
"Ballrumours by Aamir Ahmed"
As they registered a beautiful (read Super Hot) girl crossed them and reached for the reception.
"Dude, thanks for bringing me here", Aman whispered in Aakash's ears.
"Anytime...Anytime. Waise I don't think she is a college student"
"No worries. Still a good bet to hit upon"
And then against their expectations she turned to them.
"So you are the new admits?". Before they could say anything she continued "Hi! I am Neel, your co-instructor for these sessions. Let's make a mast move. Aamir wouldn't like us to be late"
A silent sound of splashing glasses could be heard by both of them. Anyways they followed her and were not at all disappointed, when they reached for the ball room.
"People, these are new admits. Let's help them catch-up with what we did last time"
Couple of dozens of sexy smiles on sexy faces on sexy bodies turned towards them.
Following couple of hours were filled with "uh...1...2...3.........5...6....7" of the steps. But by the end of it Aman managed to get contact numbers of five girls, three of whom were in Graduation College.
"Knaaiceee, so three 'college girl' dates in two days. Impressive. But it would still meet only one of the check points in the bet list", Kangna said.
"You are mean. I thought you would at least count it as two", Aman exclaimed
"So who's next?"
"I don't know. Maybe credit card caller. And going by the television these days, they might be a good opportunity to get laid", he winked.
"Eeeewwwwwwwwwwww", she moved away from the coffee table.
"Oye! Listen! I was kidding"
"You are one serious wala MCP. All you guys think about is ..."
"Arre! Just a joke. On the other account why are you using ...?", he followed her
Their voices faded to the waiter who collected the bill amount and his tip.
Part 1
Part 3
Part 5: Coming soon!!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The Wolfman Movie 2010

The wolfman movie Director by Joe Johnston, writer by Andrew Kevin Walker, David Self. The film stars Benicio del Toro, Anthony Hopkins, Emily Blunt, Hugo Weaving and Geraldine Chaplin.The movie is a classic horror film of the same name. The film is narrated as Lawrence Talbot's childhood that left her mother dead at night. His father sent him from the sleepy Victorian hamlet of Blackmoor to a mental hospital, then he went to America. When her brother's fiancee, Gwen Conliffe, tracks him to help find the missing love, Talbot returned to the real father to learn that his brother had been tortured body was found. Reunited with estranged father, Lawrence decided to find her sister's killer and find a horrible fate for himself. Someone or something with brute force and insatiable blood lust had killed the villagers, and a suspicious Scotland Yard inspector named Aberline come to menyelidiki.inilah little story of this film. movie rentals, movie releases, hollywood movie.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
یافتم ، یافتم

یه بار جایی خوندم که دوست داشتن و عاشق شدن مثل پرت کردن یه تکه سنگ تو دریا میمونه. خب منم چند ماه پیش یه سنگ خوشگل پیدا کردم، خیلی دوسش داشتم، انداختمش تو دریا، از همه سنگای دنیا قشنگتر بود، میشد بین همه سنگا اونو تشخیص داد، حتی رنگ و بوشم فرق میکرد، اما خب سنگ جون من یه اشکال خیلی کوچولو داشت، دلشم مثل خودش سنگی بود و نمیتونست منو دوست داشته باشه، ولی خب دروغم میگفت، میگفت که دوسم داره چون نمیخواست منو از دست بده، با این دوروغاش کلی زجرم میداد، ، آخ یادم رفت بقیه شو بهتون بگم، میگن دل کندن مثل در آوردن اون سنگه از تو دریاست، خب من فکر نمیکردم بتونم سنگه رو دربیارم،اصلا دلم نمیخواست پیداش کنم، خب آخه لامسبو خیلی دوسش داشتم، ولی خب دیگه داشت خسته ام میکرد، با بی تفاوتیاش، منم گشتم و گشتم و پیداش کردم ، باورتون میشه من سنگه رو از ته دریا در آوردم، هنوزم دلم براش تنگ میشه اما، غرورمو بیشتر از اون سنگه دوست دارم، چند روز دیگه تولدشه ومن حتی نمیتونم بهش تبریک بگم ولی خب اینجا که میتونم، تولدت مبارک بی معرفت!
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